Privacy Policy

Safety & Security

Our Privacy Policy

We're committed to protecting privacy, security & total online safety for every organization connected with us.

As a company, we do not share or disclose any of your and your client`s, personal or financial data or information or any functional logic like order tracking and dispensation, product catalog development, inventory tracking, and discount functions, virtual shopping baskets, payment gateway integration, etc. to any third party organizations or individuals.

We are well versed in understanding and implementing the security concepts and also we have implemented strict pure privacy clauses in our work environment and all our important resources are always kept under security restrictions.

We build up a pioneering and undeniable E-Commerce application, present flawless technical support to our customers, and make sure that they don't go through any business losses due to website breakdown.

To ensure the best security and online safety we perform Regular Security & Vulnerability Audits to ensure maximum protection to the business from the latest threats and also we are performing daily backups of the entire website along with its database to ensure maximum safety.

Collection of Information

We collect your personal information, such as your name, address, e-mail address, contact number, your interests, and information regarding the use of various services by you. Information collected by us is used solely for the purpose of billing and shipping your online purchases & for promotional purposes. We do not collect or gather any information about your computer hardware, software, or payment being made by you.

Use of Information

  • We use your personal information for any or all of the following purposes:
  • To provide information to you about the products ordered by you.
  • To provide information to you relating to other products, offers, schemes that might be of interest to you.
  • To inform you of any changes to our website, policies, or products offered by us.

Links to other websites has links to other websites on the World Wide Web. Each website has its own privacy policy which is not under our control. As soon as you leave our server/s, the information being provided by you shall be governed by the privacy policy of the website that you have visited. Hence, it would be advisable for you to read the privacy policy of each different website.

Sharing of Information

We will share your personal information under any of the following situations:

  1. To comply with any order, law, regulation, or subpoena;
  2. To prevent & detect actual or potential fraud or unauthorized transactions;
  3. To provide information to government authorities
  4. To protect the interests, rights, and properties of

Our commitment to data security

We maintain confidentiality, the security of your personal information, and ensure its correct usage. For the execution of the same, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure your personal information. We are also committed to protect and secure your personal information for that we have employed the latest security technologies and procedures to safeguard your personal information from unauthorized theft or misuse.